SenseDeep — Alarms, Alerts and Notifications

Michael O'Brien
Published in
5 min readSep 9, 2020


SenseDeep has powerful Alarms, Alerts and Notifications that monitor every part of your service. SenseDeep looks deeply into your application logs and metrics to sleuth trouble. You can sleep easy, knowing that SenseDeep is watching over your site, services, Lambdas and logs 24x7 and will alert you at the first sign of trouble.

SenseDeep Alarms will detect and proactively notify you if:

  • Any service is encountering application errors.
  • Any Lambdas start throwing exceptions, timing out or enduring elevated cold starts.
  • Lambda durations have spiked.
  • Request rates have risen or fallen significantly.
  • And much more

What is unique and why should I care?

SenseDeep has powerful alarming and alerting that can monitor and trigger not only on AWS metrics, but also on any application log event. Other serverless monitoring solutions only track CloudWatch metrics and do not have the ability to efficiently and quickly trigger alerts based on application log events. SenseDeep can do both with real-time monitoring.

SenseDeep runs a single, extremely efficient watcher Lambda function in your account, so metrics and logs can be ingested with the utmost efficiency and speed. Consequently, SenseDeep is the fastest service to detect, respond and notify you of important issues.

SenseDeep dynamically manages your site and will automatically manage new Lambdas as they are created. No more manually subscribing Lambdas or log groups.


SenseDeep Alarms are automated rules that check Lambda or Log resources for specific conditions. Your alerts run at a specified interval to monitor the underlying resource. If the rule is triggered, the alarm will create an alert and optionally send you notification of that alert.

Alarms can monitor Lambda metrics such as Lambda duration, errors, invocations, concurrency or throttles. Alarms can also monitor any log event data from the CloudWatch log group for the Lambda function or indeed any log group.

Add Alarm Dialog

Alarms can specify the set of Lambda resources to monitor by an explicit resource “list”, or by tags or matching resource names via a regular expression.

When matching by tag or name pattern, SenseDeep will automatically match new Lambda functions as they are created and destroyed. In this way, you can define an alarm once and it will automatically monitor newly created functions.

When monitoring application log events, you can specify “include” and “exclude” patterns to precisely match the triggering condition.

Each alarm can specify a unique set of notifications when may send an email or SMS notification or invoke other Lambdas, and send HTTP requests.

SenseDeep alarms are extremely efficient and fast. Once your application signifies an errory by emitting a log event, the SenseDeep watcher will run in seconds in your account to receive the log data and immediately trigger any required alerts.

Alarm List

Notification Channels

SenseDeep supports the widest variety of notification channels including: Email, SMS, AWS EventBridge, Lambda and HTTP/HTTPS. Let us know if you have a channel that you would like us to add for notifications.

Add Notification Dialog
Sample Alert Email Message

SenseDeep includes automatic notification dampening so you will not be deluged with repeat notifications.

Email alert messages include when the incident occurred, the Lambda or resource that triggered the alarm and clear context of the triggering metric or log event.

From the message, a single mouse click will launch the SenseDeep app and display the alert with full details. From there, another click will jump to the exact isolated Lambda invocation with full invocation log entries.

Alert Panel


SenseDeep Alerts are created whenever an alarm rule is triggered for a specific resource. SenseDeep will aggregate alerts that repeat for the same resource and display a count in the alert list. A notification will be issued for the first occurrence of the alert and will be suppressed for subsequent alerts for 24 hours.

Alerts can be assigned to team members for responsibility or processing. When the underlying cause of the alert has been diagnosed and rectified, the alert can be marked as “resolved”. If the alarm then triggers for that resource again, a new alert will be created.


SenseDeep Alarms, Alerts and Notifications are unique in the speed and efficiency with which they respond to important issues in your AWS Lamba services. Via its unique architecture of using a small watcher Lambda in your account, SenseDeep is able to monitor your site and respond to events without delay. SenseDeep is simply the fastest Serverless troubleshooting service.

Getting Started with SenseDeep

There is nothing to install. Just navigate your browser to:

SenseDeep does not needlessly copy or replicate your log data that is stored in CloudWatch and does not charge any per-lambda or per-GB log ingestion fee. Your SenseDeep subscription is a small flat predictable fee.

To learn more about SenseDeep and how to use the app, please read the documentation at:

Please let us know what you think, we thrive on feedback.

Originally published at on September 29, 2020.

